Our vision of restoration, stewardship, and environmental education for the CTC Denville property will benefit our students across subject areas, disciplines, transition, career and job awareness & development, life & social skills and passions for a lifetime.
Meeting this goal requires help and commitment from financial donors.
The following scholarships are available:
$10,000.00 - $14,999.00
$5,000.00 - $9,999.00
$1,000.00 - $4,999.00
$25.00 - $999.00
Meeting this goal requires help and commitment from financial donors.
The following scholarships are available:
$10,000.00 - $14,999.00
$5,000.00 - $9,999.00
$1,000.00 - $4,999.00
$25.00 - $999.00
All donations to Celebrate the Children are tax deductible, Tax ID: 55-0804200.