Related Services
Therapy services take place both integrated into the classrooms and in our sensory rooms. The focus of these sessions is to strengthen the developmental foundations of our students such as visual spatial foundations, sensory integration and modulation, posture, strength, refined movements, planning and sequencing, oral motor, receptive and expressive language, an executive functioning. These foundations fill the gaps in experience needed for our students to be successful in their educational and life goals.
The Related Services Department is made up of speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists. Our interdisciplinary approach works with students in both individual and group formats. Once per week each classroom receives a related services group that is run by speech, occupational and physical therapists. The therapists coordinate with classroom teachers so that the groups support the themes and topics that students are learning within the classroom. Related services also provide a variety of programs within CTC including handwriting, Chewers in Action (CIA), Sports Group, Heart Healthy Heroes (HHH), Affect-Based Language Curriculum (ABLC), general movement group and Chat Club.
The Related Services Department is made up of speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists. Our interdisciplinary approach works with students in both individual and group formats. Once per week each classroom receives a related services group that is run by speech, occupational and physical therapists. The therapists coordinate with classroom teachers so that the groups support the themes and topics that students are learning within the classroom. Related services also provide a variety of programs within CTC including handwriting, Chewers in Action (CIA), Sports Group, Heart Healthy Heroes (HHH), Affect-Based Language Curriculum (ABLC), general movement group and Chat Club.